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Hotel Trading

The cornerstone of the sale of a hotel is hit in the assessment, subject to two different points of view, the seller and the buyer. In many cases the seller values the cost of the property and the buyer only takes into account the GOP (Gross Operating Product) hotel.

Since the 2008 crisis the dominant valuation is the buyer, unless for some reason (desire to penetrate a market preference for particular location, expectation of improving the GOP or need to invest in rehabilitation), increase or decrease the value according profitability.

On the other hand, they are increasingly numerous hotel operators who are abandoning their patrimonial position and focus on management. It is necessary then an investor whose goal is to make an income. This raises problems that BurgMaster Hospitality Consultants is an expert in solving.

Burgmaster Hospitality Consultants

Comte Borrell, 340, pral 1ª
(Plaça Francesc Macià)
08029 Barcelona
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+34 686 505 450

General information

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Technical seminars

Valuation Day.
Hotel establishment valuation: Theory, practice and real cases.
Transformation Day.
Transformation of non-hotel buildings into hotels (and vice versa): A mathematical model.

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