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What can we do for you?

We help to improve your bottom line

Hotel chains are complex companies that are in various situations, due to market changes and new challenges to be faced. In BurgMaster Hospitality Consultants we propose and implement solutions to help our customers in these situations.

Our solutions help to improve your bottom line. We have extensive experience in the financial, contractual and commercial areas. And also expanding (getting new hotels) and restructuring (free of those not interested). We know the market very well, and we are in continuous contact with most operating traders in Spain.

We provide our customers experience, knowledge and contacts. We are in a privileged position to obtain synergies and matching between complementary corporate objectives of different operators. At the point of this website "Case Studies" you can see some of our work. These "Case Studies" are just a sampling of the types of assistance we provide.

If you choose to use our services to solve a particular situation BurgMaster Hospitality Consultants will work with you as an active consultant, ie, acting as a consultant solving.

This is what distinguishes us from our competitors.

Juan Bóveda

Managing Partner


Juan Bóveda
Managing Partner
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He began his career in "la Caixa" helding various senior positions. In 1987 he left "la Caixa" to occupy the direction of private banking at Banco Santander business. Later he returned to "la Caixa" to be appointed CEO of CaixaBank Monaco, a position he held for more than 7 years. Later he joined the group "Sociedad de Tasacion" to open its first subsidiary in Latin America and the French group Theolia of wind energy as Managing Director of its Spanish subsidiary. He is a founding partner of BurgMaster and since 2012 Managing Partner. Juan Bóveda holds a degree in Economics, Diploma in General Management from IESE and has studied his specialty in diverse universities and European business schools.

Francesc Joan
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Francesc Joan was founder, and General Director of the Bank of Small and Medium-sized Businesses of Barcelona for 25 years and for 10 members of the Board of Directors of Banco Pichincha Spain in Madrid. He had previously founded and directed GEA, the Cabinet of Applied Studies, a market research and qualitative research consulting institute. During a four-year term, he was elected president of the Barcelona Marketing Club. In 2005, he was one of the founding partners of BurgMaster, and currently, he is also a member of the Tourism Economics Commission of the College of Economists of Catalonia. Francesc has a degree in Economic Sciences from the University of Barcelona, a Business Professor from the School of Higher Business Studies and a Diploma in Marketing from the School of Business Administration. During his career he has participated in numerous international courses and seminars.

Francesc Fernández
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It starts as liberal professional until 1983 he was appointed CEO of 'Construcciones Riera' and later President. During his presidency he constituted a group of real estate companies, management and waste treatment and increased its activity in Hungary, Ecuador and Colombia. Currently he is President of Kroms Technology and from 2005 to 2009 was President of the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC). He is a partner and member of the management team of BurgMaster since its foundation. Francesc is technical architect, engineer and MBA by Esade. He has completed several studies in various universities. As a teacher he is Director of the Master in Management of Construction Lasalle Business School and professor of Real Estate and Construction Master in the Faculty of Economics at the University of Barcelona.

Burgmaster Hospitality Consultants

Comte Borrell, 340, pral 1ª
(Plaça Francesc Macià)
08029 Barcelona
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+34 686 505 450

General information

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Technical seminars

Valuation Day.
Hotel establishment valuation: Theory, practice and real cases.
Transformation Day.
Transformation of non-hotel buildings into hotels (and vice versa): A mathematical model.

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